Ride Info

Everything You Need to Know

Tour Start

The bicycle tour starts at 8:00 Sunday, September 10, 2023 on Washington Street in front of the Waco Convention Center. Riders will be staged in groups according to the distance they plan to ride.


  • Helmets are REQUIRED any time you are on your bike. We love you and we love your sweet heads!
  • Ride Numbers –You will love them this year! Bright and colorful, total souvenirs! You are required to wear yours while riding the course. This helps our traffic control, our aid stations, and our SAG drivers recognize you as a participant of our event.
  • We have law enforcement officers located at major intersections, but you are required to follow all traffic rules as if you were riding on your own. Roads are open to traffic. We strongly encourage flashing lights – both front and back – to help keep all our riders safe.
  • For your safety and the safety of others around you, no headphones allowed.

Please read our Rider Safety info.

Rest Stops/Aid Stations

The Waco Wild West has a tradition of providing great rest stops.

No calorie deficits allowed on this ride!!! Stations are located approximately every 10 miles on the 28-, 53-, and 66-mile courses. The family friendly short loop will have one station that can be visited every time you make a loop.

Several organizations are working hard to serve the following items. Please be sure and thank all our volunteers!

  • Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
  • Fruit – Bananas and Oranges
  • Pickles and Pickle Juice
  • Potato Chips
  • Cookies
  • Powerade
  • Water
  • Candy (Of Course!!!)
  • Portojons are also located at all aid stations

We have a “Best Rest Stop” contest so after the ride, be sure to vote for your favorite rest stop on the survey that we send out after the ride.

Sag Support – 254-652-0550

You should be prepared to fix your own flats (carry a spare tube or tire repair kit). The SAG support team will help you if they see you on the routes or they get a call to come to you. We are covering over 200 miles of roadway so it might take a little while to get to you.

Each SAG support will have a “SAG #” displayed on the side of the vehicle.

This is the number to call if you need any assistance. Mechanical needs or a ride home to the candy, these volunteers can pick you up and have minor repair items (tubes, pumps) to get you back on the road. This is printed on your race number that you are required to wear so you have no excuse to say you don’t know it☺

Program your cell phones for the SAG support number. 254-652-0550. We will have plenty of SAG support vehicles on the 4 ride courses to assist you however we can but have this number handy which will contact you to the WWW100 Command Center. The radio operator will direct the nearest SAG vehicle to your aid.


The biggest challenge for cyclists is maintaining hydration on long rides, particularly if it is hot. Know your limits and ride the distance you are capable of and have trained for. Carry plenty of water, even if you plan to stop at each rest stop.


The early bird gets the worm.. and the best parking space! There is plenty of parking available downtown, and it just may be the only bargain you will ever find in cycling; it’s FREE!
Heritage Square – 300 Austin Ave
Waco Convention Center – 100 Washington Ave
River Center Shopping Center – 200 Franklin Ave
Indian Springs Middle School – 500 North University Parks

How Far Will You Ride?

Days till the Waco Wild West








Weekend Schedule

Saturday, September 7

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Packet Pick Up and Onsite Registration, Heritage Square, 311 Austin Ave,  76701

Sunday, September 8

6:30 am – 8:00 am Packet Pick Up and Onsite Registration, Heritage Square, 311 Austin Ave,  76701

7:00 am – 8:00 am Optional Pancake Breakfast available for purchase for $7. Includes juice,  coffee, pancakes, and choice of bacon or sausage. Pay directly to Sergio’s onsite

8:00 am Start at 100 Washington St in the following order:

  • Handcycle Start
  • Tandem Start
  • Mass Start - Please line up according to predicted pace. There will be signs to guide you  as you line up.
    • Front of the Pack = 20 MPH and faster
    • 2nd – 17 – 19 MPH
    • 3rd – 12-15 MPH
    • 4th - Families with Children, Beginners to Cycling

9:00 am – 2:00 pm Finish Line, Heritage Square. Finisher medals, candy line, beer for those 21  and older (must have proof of age)

To go through candy line, please have your rider number available as we will need to mark it.  Each rider is allowed one pass through the line. We regret we have to enforce this policy, but  in previous years we have had several riders take a little too much advantage of the concept of  the “Sweetest” Ride. This has proven less than fair to our cyclists who come in later as they are  taking time to “enjoy the ride” a little more than the speedsters☺ or from those who are  simply riding the longer distances. Each person will be given a bag to fill; please do not bring  your own sack, Santa☺

2:00 pm - Finish line and course are officially closed. If you continue to ride, you are doing so at your own risk. Aid stations will be closed, SAG and traffic control will no longer be available.  Please do your best to be finished by 2:00 pm for the safety of all.

About Us

The Waco Wild West Bicycle Tour has made a tradition of great rest stops and super rider support. This is one event you don’t want to miss! There is a tour for everyone.

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